
About legal office

Welcome to the website of my office. My name is Błażej Wojnicz and I am a attorney-at-law entered in the list of attorneys of Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law. I have a long standing professional and managerial experience. I was, among others President of the Management Board of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa SA, the President of the Management Board of Polski Holding Obronny sp. o.o. I was a member of supervisory boards of commercial law companies, and national agencies. I also worked, inter alia at the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, the Ministry of National Defense, the National Security Bureau and advisory companies or operating in the financial sector. I am a graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and doctoral studies at the Warsaw School of Economics.

I am a member of the Polish Association of Sports Law. I was a longstanding martial arts competitor and a multiple champion of Poland as well as the winner of the Polish Cup in Taekwondo WTF. I have a black belt in this sport discipline. I have the right to access classified information marked with a top secret clause and NATO Top Secret.

Considering this comprehensive and varied experience, I can offer you comprehensive legal services and propose optimal solutions to problematic factual and legal issues. What characterizes my Law Firm is the specialization in areas where we have knowledge and experience, individual approach to the Client and insightful and a thorough analysis of each case. The success connected with the legal security of Clients is the most important for me.


Current legal service 

We offer current legal service for the companies of commercial law, persons conducting sole proprietorship, public administration authorities as well as natural persons. Permanent support of legal office provides peace of mind and legal safety.

Court, administrative and enforcement proceedings

Our legal office provides professional, comprehensive and effective representation in court (civil, penal, and economic), enforcement, administrative as well as court and administrative proceedings. Our assistance in disputes definitely increases the chances for winning the case.

Strategic legal consulting

Undertaking strategic decisions by the organization involves the necessity of choosing one of many potential development directions and its consistent implementation. The Law Office offers legal support in the implementation of this process from the analysis of the legal and regulatory environment to assistance in implementing the necessary changes.

Security law

Safety is a state that gives a sense of confidence and guarantees its behavior as well as opportunities for improvement. We are working to ensure such conditions. We also offer our legal assistance to entities operating in the field of security and the defense industry. The Law Firm also runs a specialized website devoted to legal aspects of security: prawo-bezpieczenstwa.pl 

Legal audits

We offer preparation and implementation of legal audits in various areas of companies' operations, aimed at comprehensive examination of their condition, identification of risks and elimination of threats.

Sports law

The practice in the scope of sports law arises from the combination of two passions - sport and law. Due to this fact - sportsmen, sports clubs, sports associations, and other organizations - receive the best legal assistance.  We want to be the best in our activity, like in sport.


Błażej Wojnicz Kancelaria Prawna Radcy Prawnego



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